PMW Technology is delighted to have been awarded funding under the Department for Transport’s T-TRIG programme. The funding is for a six month project to evaluate the potential for our A3C process to be applied to shipping. We will be working with our long-established academic partner, the University of Chester, together with naval architects Houlder Limited and Tees Valley Combined Authority. These partners will bring ship design and operational know-how for A3C integration and an understanding of the economics of industrial carbon capture clusters to support assessment of the impacts of extra carbon dioxide unloaded from shipping.
The commitments made by the IMO for radical reductions in shipping emissions by 2050 will require major changes to fuels and vessel design. The current favoured option is for the use of zero carbon ammonia as fuel. However the global investment required for fuel production and changes to ship design has been estimated to exceed $1 trillion. Application of A3C to capture engine emissions with delivery of the captured carbon dioxide to ports would avoid the huge cost of new fuel production and delivery systems. It would also allow retention of existing vessel and high performance engine designs, potentially offering a much lower cost of marine decarbonisation.